Work Life Balance
Never do anything grey always chose the Right. Don't be greedy.
In fact, Paul the Apostle, talked about these filters of seeing through glass. In Corinthians, he writes that in mortality we see things from a different perspective because we look through glass darkly. However we will see clearly after we come face to face with God and gain an eternal perspective. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then (In the resurrection we shall see things) face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known (1 Corinthians 13:12).
No matter who we are or what we are doing in life, money is a necessary part of it
The possession of excess money often reveals or exposes what kind of a person the individual is. Because of how they use it. To do good, or evil, or hoard it (which is evil)
17. "For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves."
However, those of us who develop our talent make money and create abundance from the full earth that the Lord has prepared for us, have a grave responsibility to help others.
18. "Therefore, if any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment." (Doctrine and Covenants 104: 17-18).
How do you make money? By following the laws it is predicated upon.
(Doctrine and Covenants 130: 20-21). 20. "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated -" 21. "And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."
If we acknowledge that all blessings come from God, and if we believe that blessings are based on obedience to laws, as I do, and as the Lord explains here, then we must believe from reading this scripture that the blessing of wealth creation or the abundant life comes from, again, keeping the laws upon which that blessing is predicated.
(Mosiah 1:7)
So if you want to prosper:
Rule 1. Seek the Lord and have hope in him
Rule 2. Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing and fast offerings.
Rule 3. Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant.
Rule 4. Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters. Education, as President Hinckley has taught us, isthe Key to Opportunity.
Rule 5. Learn the laws upon which the blessings of wealth are predicated.
Rule 6. Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held captive.
that rare person who seems driven by a deeper mission, who moves calmly and faithfully as if guided by an inner compass and fueled by passion.
Deep loving relationships, with a capacity for gratitude, forgiveness and sharing are far more important than accomplishments; • A good marriage has far more impact on lifelong satisfaction than good health; and, • Continuing to seek challenges and having friends of all ages is much more important than income. 11
TAsk one: understanding the difference between happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment
To be able to have fulfillment - beginning with the end in mind, and talking with those you respect who are nearer to the end of their journey, is so important.
... later in life we are far more likely to regret risks not taken than mistakes made.
Why we should show gratitude -As we slip from self-interest to selfcenteredness and finally, to self-delusion, what should be gratitude slips away, to be replaced by wounded pride.
Task two: losing yourself in a hero’s journey
A Hero’s Journey does not promise a life full of happiness. On the contrary, it means facing “dragons and giants,” challenges that stretch you to your limits and sometimes beyond.
A Hero’s Journey requires you to find your most precious gifts and to use them doing something you enjoy in the service of something larger than yourself.
flow: losing yourself in a worthy challenge. As long as there was a challenge, with a sequence of activities, bounded by rules that required skill to complete, flow could occur. During flow, people became so absorbed in the task that they lost track of time. Hours passed without notice. Concern for self disappeared.
Long-term studies on aging show that a lack of true friends would be one’s biggest crisis later in life. 32
You start with small steps. Beginning a relationship simply requires a little curiosity about others. Relationships grow by give and take. You ask about the other person’s goals, affirm them, and offer to help in some way. (Starting with people who have compatible goals makes it easier to invest attention. 34 ) Then something magical happens. You actually become more interested in others than yourself. You forget your own problems. Horizons open. Perspective broadens. Favors, attention and self-disclosure lead to trust. Obligations and constraints add more structure and meaning to life. You learn that giving is more satisfying than getting. Over time, a web of healthy relationships blossoms into a support system. Then you develop a reputation for helping others, a fragile treasure. 35 Extraordinary opportunities follow. Consciously choosing who to invest in relationships with makes a difference. Want to be a better person? Surround yourself with good people. 36 Close friends have the most positive effect on fulfillment. Develop 10 Beginning a relationship simply requires a little curiosity about others. Consciously choosing who to invest in relationships with makes a difference. relationships with all ages. Always have friends from three generations: the generation below to add freshness and energy, your generation for understanding and companionship, and a generation older for perspective and wisdom.
Good marriages teach that compassionate love—care for another—counts for far more in the long run than passionate love,
gratitude: losing yourself in thanks and generosity Nurturing a sense of gratitude may be the most powerful step you can take towards a more fulfilling life
Given your natural inclinations to overvalue your own abilities, reinterpret the past and negatively judge others, you easily can become disenchanted with your lot in life. If this natural inclination develops into a habit of self-pity, you can go through life acting as a victim. You begin to reinterpret your past as a series of slights of fortune or the intentional acts of others. You selectively interpret the present, spotting ill intentions when they don’t exist. Fear sets in. You attract pessimists and people of ill will.
If you choose instead to see life as a gift, you are likely to marvel each day at your good luck and the kindness of others. You will remember your past as a series of lucky breaks. You look for good in others and find it. Optimistic people seek you out. “Gratitude amplifies the savoring and appreciation of the good events gone by, and rewriting history by forgiveness loosens the power of the bad events to embitter (and actually can transform bad memories into good ones).” 3
Training yourself to suppress negative chatter and replace it with positive thoughts does make a difference.
Practice Being Grateful
Suppress Negative Chatter
Write a Letter or Keep a Journal
Seek Role Models
like all great journeys, it is more a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. That means the first step is the hardest, and that first step is learning how to look beyond yourself
Know Thyself
Who are you? What challenges have you overcome? What special talents do you have? How can you invest these talents in a series of new quests to develop a mastery that will lead to a more fulfilling life? Who will you choose as worthy travel companions? Who can you talk with who is further along in the journey to ask for directions? How can you make sure you take time to enjoy special moments and celebrate minor victories? Above all else, who will you choose to serve, so you can find yourself, changed, by first losing yourself?
Hoarders prepare for future calamities so as to minimize losses. Later in life, most will regret not having taken more risks. Spenders enjoy the moment but are more likely to have momentary pleasures become bad habits. Pessimists have a more accurate view of themselves and their skills but have a harder time being grateful. Optimists hang on to the good things that have happened in life and minimize or forget the bad. Optimists make better salespeople and typically are more creative.
To begin your journey, focus on past flow experiences and signature strengths
Along the journey, learn to embrace mistakes and adversity. Take more chances and suffer more defeats. Extend yourself.
As Paul said in Romans: “Suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope.”
Prepare for adversity in advance. Hone your skills. Invest in loving relationships. Practice gratitude and reflection. Connect regularly to the transcendent. Then you will be prepared to be transformed by adversity instead of crushed by it.
we have the responsibility to be prepared, to be productive, to be faithful, and to be fruitful as well.
First, fill your mind with truth;
second, fill your life with service;
third, fill your heart with love.
Remember, a testimony is perishable. That which you selfishly keep, you lose; that which you willingly share, you keep
Financial Fitness
1- Pay Yourself First (invest a part of every paycheck)
2-Part of What you earn is yours to keep (never touch the principle)
The ministry of Business ch. 6 explains these accounts
Independence account- Put predetermined amount from your pay check into seperate savings account
Budget account- Tithes & offerings, Domestic expenses, living expenses, family expenses, normal costs of living, (the more frugal you are with this account the more you can send to your independence account or wish list)
non budget savings account- Christmas, birthdays, medical emergencies, vacations, vehicles,
Wish list savings account- boat, vacations etc.
Gold Account- (repository of all investments) Investments, Appreciating assets, business entities. capable of developing cash reward when it does the money goes into the independence account and you can buy more investments to put into gold account. Never touch the principle in gold account.
Hold structured family meetings once a week
bring child to work (once a month, or year)
Shield children from financials of business, but explain trips, buyers, new merchandise etc.
Don't use phone when with family
Hero's Journey Corey Bell
Give back- we owe the world, this world is bigger than me I'm taking from it, what can I give back.
Learn from everyone get inspiration from others.
live my life that if it weren't for Corey being here I wouldn't have been able to do that. Have an impact.
In fact, Paul the Apostle, talked about these filters of seeing through glass. In Corinthians, he writes that in mortality we see things from a different perspective because we look through glass darkly. However we will see clearly after we come face to face with God and gain an eternal perspective. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then (In the resurrection we shall see things) face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known (1 Corinthians 13:12).
No matter who we are or what we are doing in life, money is a necessary part of it
The possession of excess money often reveals or exposes what kind of a person the individual is. Because of how they use it. To do good, or evil, or hoard it (which is evil)
17. "For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves."
However, those of us who develop our talent make money and create abundance from the full earth that the Lord has prepared for us, have a grave responsibility to help others.
18. "Therefore, if any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment." (Doctrine and Covenants 104: 17-18).
How do you make money? By following the laws it is predicated upon.
(Doctrine and Covenants 130: 20-21). 20. "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated -" 21. "And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."
If we acknowledge that all blessings come from God, and if we believe that blessings are based on obedience to laws, as I do, and as the Lord explains here, then we must believe from reading this scripture that the blessing of wealth creation or the abundant life comes from, again, keeping the laws upon which that blessing is predicated.
(Mosiah 1:7)
So if you want to prosper:
Rule 1. Seek the Lord and have hope in him
Rule 2. Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing and fast offerings.
Rule 3. Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant.
Rule 4. Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters. Education, as President Hinckley has taught us, isthe Key to Opportunity.
Rule 5. Learn the laws upon which the blessings of wealth are predicated.
Rule 6. Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held captive.
that rare person who seems driven by a deeper mission, who moves calmly and faithfully as if guided by an inner compass and fueled by passion.
Deep loving relationships, with a capacity for gratitude, forgiveness and sharing are far more important than accomplishments; • A good marriage has far more impact on lifelong satisfaction than good health; and, • Continuing to seek challenges and having friends of all ages is much more important than income. 11
The pursuit of Happiness
TAsk one: understanding the difference between happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment
To be able to have fulfillment - beginning with the end in mind, and talking with those you respect who are nearer to the end of their journey, is so important.
... later in life we are far more likely to regret risks not taken than mistakes made.
Why we should show gratitude -As we slip from self-interest to selfcenteredness and finally, to self-delusion, what should be gratitude slips away, to be replaced by wounded pride.
Task two: losing yourself in a hero’s journey
A Hero’s Journey does not promise a life full of happiness. On the contrary, it means facing “dragons and giants,” challenges that stretch you to your limits and sometimes beyond.
A Hero’s Journey requires you to find your most precious gifts and to use them doing something you enjoy in the service of something larger than yourself.
flow: losing yourself in a worthy challenge. As long as there was a challenge, with a sequence of activities, bounded by rules that required skill to complete, flow could occur. During flow, people became so absorbed in the task that they lost track of time. Hours passed without notice. Concern for self disappeared.
Long-term studies on aging show that a lack of true friends would be one’s biggest crisis later in life. 32
You start with small steps. Beginning a relationship simply requires a little curiosity about others. Relationships grow by give and take. You ask about the other person’s goals, affirm them, and offer to help in some way. (Starting with people who have compatible goals makes it easier to invest attention. 34 ) Then something magical happens. You actually become more interested in others than yourself. You forget your own problems. Horizons open. Perspective broadens. Favors, attention and self-disclosure lead to trust. Obligations and constraints add more structure and meaning to life. You learn that giving is more satisfying than getting. Over time, a web of healthy relationships blossoms into a support system. Then you develop a reputation for helping others, a fragile treasure. 35 Extraordinary opportunities follow. Consciously choosing who to invest in relationships with makes a difference. Want to be a better person? Surround yourself with good people. 36 Close friends have the most positive effect on fulfillment. Develop 10 Beginning a relationship simply requires a little curiosity about others. Consciously choosing who to invest in relationships with makes a difference. relationships with all ages. Always have friends from three generations: the generation below to add freshness and energy, your generation for understanding and companionship, and a generation older for perspective and wisdom.
Good marriages teach that compassionate love—care for another—counts for far more in the long run than passionate love,
gratitude: losing yourself in thanks and generosity Nurturing a sense of gratitude may be the most powerful step you can take towards a more fulfilling life
Given your natural inclinations to overvalue your own abilities, reinterpret the past and negatively judge others, you easily can become disenchanted with your lot in life. If this natural inclination develops into a habit of self-pity, you can go through life acting as a victim. You begin to reinterpret your past as a series of slights of fortune or the intentional acts of others. You selectively interpret the present, spotting ill intentions when they don’t exist. Fear sets in. You attract pessimists and people of ill will.
If you choose instead to see life as a gift, you are likely to marvel each day at your good luck and the kindness of others. You will remember your past as a series of lucky breaks. You look for good in others and find it. Optimistic people seek you out. “Gratitude amplifies the savoring and appreciation of the good events gone by, and rewriting history by forgiveness loosens the power of the bad events to embitter (and actually can transform bad memories into good ones).” 3
Training yourself to suppress negative chatter and replace it with positive thoughts does make a difference.
Practice Being Grateful
Suppress Negative Chatter
Write a Letter or Keep a Journal
Seek Role Models
task three: getting started on your quest
like all great journeys, it is more a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. That means the first step is the hardest, and that first step is learning how to look beyond yourself
Know Thyself
Who are you? What challenges have you overcome? What special talents do you have? How can you invest these talents in a series of new quests to develop a mastery that will lead to a more fulfilling life? Who will you choose as worthy travel companions? Who can you talk with who is further along in the journey to ask for directions? How can you make sure you take time to enjoy special moments and celebrate minor victories? Above all else, who will you choose to serve, so you can find yourself, changed, by first losing yourself?
Hoarders prepare for future calamities so as to minimize losses. Later in life, most will regret not having taken more risks. Spenders enjoy the moment but are more likely to have momentary pleasures become bad habits. Pessimists have a more accurate view of themselves and their skills but have a harder time being grateful. Optimists hang on to the good things that have happened in life and minimize or forget the bad. Optimists make better salespeople and typically are more creative.
To begin your journey, focus on past flow experiences and signature strengths
Along the journey, learn to embrace mistakes and adversity. Take more chances and suffer more defeats. Extend yourself.
As Paul said in Romans: “Suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope.”
Prepare for adversity in advance. Hone your skills. Invest in loving relationships. Practice gratitude and reflection. Connect regularly to the transcendent. Then you will be prepared to be transformed by adversity instead of crushed by it.
Formula For Success Thomas s. Monson
we have the responsibility to be prepared, to be productive, to be faithful, and to be fruitful as well.
First, fill your mind with truth;
second, fill your life with service;
third, fill your heart with love.
Remember, a testimony is perishable. That which you selfishly keep, you lose; that which you willingly share, you keep
Financial Fitness
1- Pay Yourself First (invest a part of every paycheck)
2-Part of What you earn is yours to keep (never touch the principle)
The ministry of Business ch. 6 explains these accounts
Independence account- Put predetermined amount from your pay check into seperate savings account
Budget account- Tithes & offerings, Domestic expenses, living expenses, family expenses, normal costs of living, (the more frugal you are with this account the more you can send to your independence account or wish list)
non budget savings account- Christmas, birthdays, medical emergencies, vacations, vehicles,
Wish list savings account- boat, vacations etc.
Gold Account- (repository of all investments) Investments, Appreciating assets, business entities. capable of developing cash reward when it does the money goes into the independence account and you can buy more investments to put into gold account. Never touch the principle in gold account.
Work family balance
attend children's dance and soccer, also spend unstructured time with kids.Hold structured family meetings once a week
bring child to work (once a month, or year)
Shield children from financials of business, but explain trips, buyers, new merchandise etc.
Don't use phone when with family
Hero's Journey Corey Bell
Give back- we owe the world, this world is bigger than me I'm taking from it, what can I give back.
Learn from everyone get inspiration from others.
live my life that if it weren't for Corey being here I wouldn't have been able to do that. Have an impact.
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