Last entry from entrepreneur class

I want to finish life knowing I did what God intended and needed me to do  that I did the best I can slowly improving and that I was selfless and humble. I don’t want to be prideful I want to put others first instead of me living in luxury. I feel a calling a sense of duty to help those less fortunate than I as though it was a mission I was meant to do. 
I know I need to be watchful at not becoming prideful.  I know I need to put my children first instead of accomplishing things. I need to love others. I need to work hard and finish strong. 

Finishers Wanted 

Pres. Monson "In life, as in business, there has always been a need for those persons who could be called finishers. Their ranks are few, their opportunities many, their contributions great."

David commenced well the race, then faltered and failed to finish his course.  He won the battle against the giant Goliath and was anointed by the prophet Samuel, but he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had Uriah killed.   

Paul the apostle was a finisher “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7.) 

Though Jesus was tempted by the evil one, he resisted. Though he was hated, he loved. Though he was betrayed, he triumphed. Not in a cloud of glory or chariot of fire was Jesus to depart mortality, but with arms outstretched in agony upon the cruel cross. The magnitude of his mission is depicted in the simplicity of his words. To his Father he prayed, “The hour is come. … I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” (John 17:1, 4.) “Into thy hands I commend my spirit.” (Luke 23:46.) Mortality ended. Eternity began.

Marks of a Finisher

The Mark of Vision. look ahead,  set a course, and  be partly ready when the moment of decision comes. True finishers have the capacity to visualize their objective. small choices turn into big outcomes.
The Mark of Effort. Vision without effort is daydreaming; effort without vision is drudgery; but vision, coupled with effort, will obtain the prize.
The Mark of Faith. Trust in the Lord.  Faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other.
The Mark of Virtue. “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly.” (D&C 121:45.) 
The Mark of Courage. Have the courageTo dream the impossible dream,To fight the unbeatable foe, To bear with unbearable sorrow, To run where the brave dare not go. To right the unrightable wrong, To love, pure and chaste from afar, To try, when your arms are too weary, To reach the unreachable star!*
The Mark of Prayer. When the burdens of life become heavy, when trials test one’s faith, when pain, sorrow, and despair cause the light of hope to flicker and burn low, communication with our Heavenly Father provides peace.

balance roles and responsibilities
identify personal CONSTITUTIONS list with I am 
I am identifying my skills and talents
I am a leader
I am a communicatoer
I can motivate without depreciating others
I am financially self reliant
I am mentally tough: I don't complain
If not striving to be in ideal performonce state or at your best your days of standing at victory potium will past to another.  


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